Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs dies

Source (yahoo 6/10/2011)
Steve Jobs dies: Apple chief created personal computer, iPad, iPod, iPhone

Steve Jobs, the mastermind behind Apple's iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMac and iTunes, has died, Apple said. Jobs was 56.

"We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today," read a statement by Apple's board of directors. "Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve. His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts."
The homepage of Apple's website this evening switched to a full-page image of Jobs with the text, "Steve Jobs 1955-2011."

Clicking on the image revealed the additional text: "Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple."

Jobs co-founded Apple Computer in 1976 and, with his childhood friend Steve Wozniak, marketed what was considered the world's first personal computer, the Apple II.
Shortly after learning of Jobs' death, Wozniak told ABC News, "I'm shocked and disturbed."
Industry watchers called him a master innovator -- perhaps on a par with Thomas Edison -- changing the worlds of computing, recorded music and communications.

In 2004, he beat back an unusual form of pancreatic cancer, and in 2009 he was forced to get a liver transplant. After several years of failing health, Jobs announced on Aug. 24, 2011 that he was stepping down as Apple's chief executive.

Monday, September 12, 2011

laporan polis yang kelakar

macam ni punya laporan polis pon ada jugak
gurau2 pon boleh diambil serius

Monday, August 8, 2011


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Top ten largest volcanoes

Top ten largest volcanoes

A volcano is an opening in a planet’s surface which allows hot magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape from below the surface. There are various types of volcanoes: active, extinct and dormant. There are about 500 active volcanoes in the world and about 1500 potentially active volcanoes. The list below is about top ten largest volcanoes in the world.

1. Mount Mazama/Crater Lake, Oregon, erupted over 6000 years ago; Crater Lake became national Park since 1902.

2. Mount Etna, Sicily, is the highest active volcano in Europe, the most recent eruption occurred in December 1991.

3. Mount Vesuvius, Italy, Vesuvius eruption in 79 A.D. covered the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. The volcano is still active; the most deadly eruption was in 1631.

4. Mount Tambora, Indonesia, the deadliest volcano in history, with the largest eruption, it exploded in 1815 and killed 92000 people.

5. Mount Krakatau, Indonesia, exploded in 1883. The explosion and subsequent collapse of the volcano left only a remnant of the island above sea level.

6. Mount Pelee, Martinique, the eruption on May 1902, killed 29,000 people. After this disaster a “new” type of eruption was named – the Pelean-type eruption.

7. ParĂ­cutin, Mexico, nine year eruption resulted in the destruction of the town of ParĂ­cutin, but it was opportunity to see the birth of a volcano. Only three people died, all by lightning associated with the eruption.

8. Mount St. Helens, Washington, it is one of the most studied volcanic explosions, erupted in 1980.

9. Nevada del Ruiz, Colombia, The eruption of this volcano brought attention to the fact that growing numbers of people live within the danger zones of the world’s volcanoes.

10. Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, its eruption in 1991 killed 800 people and left 100,000 people homeless.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

! Collection of Epics !

! Collection of Epics !

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


KUALA LUMPUR – Keputusan ujian Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) dan sebuah makmal swasta di sini mendapati minuman jenama Barbican bebas daripada elemen alkohol.

Pengarah Suria Wholesaler Sdn. Bhd., Ahmad Al Yateem berkata, laporan itu diterima pada 7 Jun selepas syarikat itu menghantar sampel minuman edaran pihaknya ke UKM pada 1 Jun lalu.

“Perkembangan positif ini membuktikan Barbican bebas alkohol dan selamat diminum oleh pengguna beragama Islam.

“Saya harap orang ramai terutama pengguna yang beragama Islam tidak perlu bimbang lagi untuk meminum Barbican,” katanya ketika ditemui Kosmo! di sini semalam.

Media sebelum ini melaporkan, syarikat tersebut menjadi syarikat kedua selepas Malaysia Iranian Corporation Sdn. Bhd. yang tampil menegaskan bahawa produk edaran mereka bebas alkohol dan boleh diminum oleh pengguna beragama Islam.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Bapak durjana

Apa jenis bapak nih.

BEIJING - Seorang bapa mengancam mahu membunuh anak perempuannya dengan sebilah pedang samurai jika polis mahu menahannya selepas dia melanggar sebuah kereta lain, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.

Bapa itu yang dikenali sebagai Zhang Gang, 32, bertindak mengacukan sebilah pedang ke arah dada seorang anak perempuannya yang dirangkulnya dan sedang menangis di tepi keretanya.

Gang yang mengacukan pedang itu menjerit bagi meminta tidak ditangkap selepas dia dikehendaki polis bagi memberikan keterangan kerana kereta yang dipandunya berlanggar dengan sebuah kereta lain.

Sebelum itu, dia bertindak membrek keretanya di luar sebuah pasar petani di daerah Yongren, wilayah Yunan apabila dua buah kereta polis membuat sekatan dengan menghalang laluan keretanya.

Orang ramai di pasar itu turut menyaksikan detik-detik cemas tersebut manakala isteri Gang hanya mendiamkan diri di dalam kereta tersebut dalam kejadian yang berlaku baru-baru ini.

Gang kemudian memasuki semula keretanya tetapi dia masih mengacukan pedang itu ke arah dada anaknya itu.

Seorang anggota polis yang mahir berunding dengan penjenayah kemudian mendekati kereta lelaki itu manakala beberapa saudara-maranya termasuk ibunya turut dihantar polis ke tempat kejadian untuk memujuknya menyerah diri.

Ketika rundingan itu rancak berjalan, beberapa anggota polis menyerbu kereta tersebut dan menangkap Gang serta menyelamatkan anak perempuannya dalam serbuan yang menurut beberapa saksi hanya berlaku dalam tempoh beberapa saat selepas drama itu berlaku selama dua jam. - Agensi